Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chocolate milk... mmmmmmm

Hey, Fam

     So things are going incredibly wonderful here. The language is quite interesting, each time we learn something we learn that there are special cases or situations for each one and that there is a lot to learn. I feel somewhat confident with what i have learned, but each time i learn more i discover that i don't know very much. sufficeth to say that I am not as smart as i would like to think I am.

    Thanks for your letter dad, i appreciate hearing from both you and Mom.

      I am glad that you were able to go to Shawn and byrdie's to visit them. it sounds like you all had a lot of fun. oh and yeah i will accept any form of mail whether it be e-mail, snail mail or from dearelder.com. however, the dearelder.com is nice because i can read it before Preparation day and then i know what to write when i respond. Still send e-mails, or maybe do both just in case i lose a letter or something happens.

     I am loving the MTC, i enjoy learning each day about Russian and the gospel. I know that i have said this, but i truly love the spirit of the MTC. It is kind of like a mini-Zion! Once again i would also like to comment on how blessed i am to have Elder Harten as my companion. He works hard and he is focused on the Lord's work. We are both learning a lot from one another.

     Today has been unlike most, well yes it is Preparation Day, but besides that we were able to go to the Temple with the Native Russian speakers from Ukraine. This was their first time and so they were receiving their endowments. each time i go to the temple i enjoy the spirit that is present there and the feelings are incredible.

    You asked about the other Elders in my residence hall, there are four Elders in my residence hall. Elder Harten and myself, and then two elders, Elder Powell and Jensen, that are going Ukrainian speaking in Kiev.

    Luckily i haven't gotten sick of the MTC food yet, i love the chocolate milk that they serve for every meal, i think i have had chocolate milk at ever meal....well besides one and that's because they were out of chocolate milk.

     I am not sure if everybody received my e-mail last week so please make sure that everybody gets my e-mail.

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